API Research, Presentations, and
API Research
Over the past several years, the field of International Education has adopted a serious focus on articulating and documenting desirable outcomes of a study abroad experience. Many different approaches are exemplified in recent issues of Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, where researchers use the full range of quantitative and qualitative tools at their disposal to assess student learning abroad in multiple areas: second language acquisition abroad, accounting for learning across several domains, non-traditional students and programs, the impact of program duration, assessing curricular interventions, and more.
Inspired by such studies, and by additional work presented by colleagues at both NAFSA and CIEE conferences, API first launched our series of research initiatives in 2005 with a two-pronged approach to investigating students’ goals for and beliefs about living and learning abroad. We began by looking at past program evaluations to determine the most important learning opportunities that API students mentioned time and again, and highlighted these in a publication called “Student Learning Abroad”, which was issued to commemorate the Year of Study Abroad in 2006 and reissued in an expanded version in 2007. At the same time, from 2005 to 2007, we carried out a two‐year research project focused on “Goals Setting in Study Abroad”. Throughout this study, we aimed to get a greater sense of what students hoped to achieve while abroad in order to provide them with the support they needed to succeed on their own terms. Following on the Goals project, API continued our research initiatives with our “Global Perspectives” project, using the newly created Global Perspectives Inventory (GPI) and complementary open-ended queries to gain a sense of our students’ perceptions of “global citizenship” and “global competence”.
All API research projects are designed with a consciousness-raising component. We believe the act of encouraging our students to consider a given set of questions contributes to increasing their awareness of the issues themselves, and opens a space for dialogue that may otherwise have remained unexplored. We also consistently use our research results to inform the design of new resources and programming that can support our students in a more targeted manner and help them become more proactive and deliberate learners. In all our work, API is committed to facilitating student learning through a multifaceted approach which takes into account the objectives and beliefs of our students as well as best practices in the field of International Education.
Publications by Date
- May 2018: “Making Meaning of Education Abroad: A Journal for the Returnee Experience” book [Chelsea Kindred, author]
- November 2014: “NAFSA Guide to Education Abroad, 4th Edition. Chapter 6: Education Abroad Re-Entry” book [Chelsea Kindred, chapter author]
- May 2010: “Global Perspectives”, brochure published by API for distribution to advisors and university partners. [Vija G. Mendelson, author]
- May 2008: “Goals Setting in Study Abroad”, brochure published by API for distribution to advisors and university partners. [Vija G. Mendelson, author]
- May 2007 and May 2008: “Student Learning Abroad”, brochure published by API for distribution to students and university partners. [Vija G. Mendelson, author]
- August 2006: “The Best Laid Plans: Goals Setting as a Tool for Student Learning in Study Abroad” in IIENetwork.org online articles. [Vija G. Mendelson, author]
- November 2005: “You Can Get There from Here: Top 10 Misconceptions about Studying Abroad”, booklet published by the New England Area Study Abroad Advisors. [Vija G. Mendelson and Julie Leitman, contributing authors]
- October 2005: “Coming Home: Resources from the Metro Boston Students Study Abroad Reentry Conference”. [Vija G. Mendelson, resource packet layout and design]
- July/August 2005: “Coming Home: Relationships, Roots, and Unpacking” in Transitions Abroad (reprinted in the Fall 2005 issue of Abroad View). [Vija G. Mendelson, contributing author]
API Presentations
One of the ways that API remains an active contributor to the field of international education is through delivering relevant content to our peers at conferences, sessions, workshops, and through other presentations. Recent presentations that API staff have delivered are listed below in reverse chronological order.
- December 2020: “The Impact of 2020: Reflecting on the Past to Prepare for the Next Decade.” Panel, Boston Area Study Abroad Advisors (Virtual), Julie Leitman, Panelist
- October 2020: “Study Abroad Student Leadership: Pandemic Edition,” Region XI Virtual Conference, Emily Nagle, Presenter
- October 2020: “Can and Should We Put the Brakes on the Shift in Language Decline in Education Abroad and Shift the Discussion? Analysis and Idea Generation,” Forum on Education Abroad Milan (virtual) Conference, Julie Leitman, Presenter
- August 2020: “Engaging Diverse Stakeholders to Support Inclusive Reentry Programming,” Diversity Abroad Virtual Conference, Hannah Olevson, Presenter
- August 2020: “When Things Fall Apart: Reimagining Reentry Programming for a Virtual World,” NAFSA Region VII Virtual Poster Session, Hannah Olevson, Presenter
- May 2020: “Education Abroad Landscape 2020 and Beyond”, Study Ireland Panel (Virtual), Julie Leitman, Panelist
- February 2020: “Making Meaning + Creating Impact from International Experience,” New England Lessons From Abroad Conference, Chelsea Kindred and Emily Nagle, Presenters
- November 2019: “How to Re-Image Latin America”, NAFSA Region III Conference, Dallas, TX, Brittany Palmer, Presenter
- November 2019: “Health Review Process for Study Abroad” NAFSA Region I Conference, Tacoma, WA, Leiann Mar, Presenter
- November 2019: “Managing the Course Equivalency Process”, NAFSA Region III Conference, Dallas, TX, Jason Kouba, Presenter
- November 2019: “Important Allies for Increasing Education Abroad”, NAFSA Region III Conference, Dallas, TX. Jason Kouba, Presenter
- November 2019: “Overworked and Underfunded: Leveraging What You’ve Got to Market Study Abroad”, NAFSA Region III Conference, Dallas, TX. Jason Kouba, Chair and Presenter
- November 2019: “Engaging Diverse Stakeholders to Support Re-Entry”, NAFSA Region XII Conference, Pasadena, CA Chelsea Kindred, Presenter
- November 2019: “Transformative Learning for a Global Future: Unpacking the Impact of Study Abroad”, Texas A&M University, Kingsville Faculty Symposium, Chelsea Kindred, Keynote Speaker
- October 2019: “Reviving Re-Entry”, NAFSA Region IV Conference, Fargo, ND, Hannah Olevson, Presenter
- October 2019: “Professionalizing Education Abroad Alumni Engagement”, NAFSA Region XI Conference, Worcester, MA, Ilene Tillman, Presenter
- May 2019: “Education Abroad: Critical Skills for the Adviser”, 8-hour NAFSA CEP Workshop NAFSA Annual Conference, Washington D.C., Amy Whitish-Temple, Trainer
- May 2019: “Pathways to Partnership: Matchmaking Global Partnerships”, NAFSA Annual Conference, Washington, DC, Julie Leitman, Poster Session Presenter
- May 2019: “Trainer Corps Induction and Enrichment Workshops” NAFSA Annual Conference Washington, D.C. Chelsea Kindred, Trainer
- May 2019: “Leveling Up Returnee Engagement: Strategies to Enhance Learning and Engagement” NAFSA Annual Conference Washington, D.C., Chelsea Kindred, Presenter, Meghan Ryan, Presenter
- April 2019: “Adventures in Advising” Wisconsin Association of International Educators (WAIE) Madison, WI, Jason Kouba, Co-Presenter
- March 2019: “Let’s Talk Diversity” Texas State NAFSA Meeting, Arlington, TX, Jason Kouba, Co-Presenter
- March 2019: “Leveraging Micro-Credentialing and Student Records to Support Comprehensive International Education Program Outcomes” Forum on Education Abroad Conference, Denver, CO Chelsea Kindred, Chair and Presenter
- March 2019: “Should I stay or should I go? Navigating career transitions within Education Abroad” Forum on Education Abroad Conference, Denver, CO Chelsea Kindred, Presenter
- March 2019: “Critical Conversations on Leadership Identity in Education Abroad” Global Student Leadership Summit at Diversity Abroad Conference Boston, MA Chelsea Kindred, Presenter and Conference Co-Chair
- March 2019: “Generating New Ideas About Innovative Returnee Engagement Programs”, NAFSA Region XII Northern District Conference, Davis, CA, Jay Bartletti, Presenter
- February 2019: “Making Meaning + Creating Impact from International Experience” New England Lessons From Abroad Conference, Chelsea Kindred, Presenter Emily Nagle, Presenter
- February 2019: “Building Your Toolkit For What’s Next” Central Texas Lessons From Abroad Conference, Chelsea Kindred, Presenter
- February 2019: “Going Beyond It Was Awesome: Sharing Your Global Story” Central Texas Lessons From Abroad Conference Keynote, Chelsea Kindred, Keynote Speaker
- November 2018: “Articulating Values to Guide Programming Development and Selection for High-Impact Experiences Abroad” CIEE Conference Barcelona, Spain [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- October 2018: “Internationalizing the Curriculum through Study Abroad and Other Initiatives”, NAFSA Region XI conference, Portland, ME [Amy Whitish-Temple, Chair & Presenter]
- October 2018: “NAFSA Leadership Opportunities: Trainer Corps”, NAFSA Region XI conference, Portland, ME [Amy Whitish-Temple, Presenter]
- October 2018: “Leveling Up Returnee Engagement: Strategies to Enhance Learning and Engagement” NAFSA Region III Conference Little Rock, AR [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- October 2018: “Education Abroad: Critical Skills for the Adviser” 8-hour NAFSA CEP Workshop NAFSA Region III Conference Little Rock, AR [Chelsea Kindred, Lead Trainer]
- October 2018: “Challenges and Opportunities: Working Effectively with Faculty Leaders” at the NAFSA Region V Conference in Schamburg, IL [Jason Kouba, Presenter]
- October 2018: “Service & Support Animals Abroad: Advising & Executing” at the NAFSA Region XI conference in Portland, ME [Carolyn Lutes, Presenter]
- October 2018: “Building Collaborations for Successful Study Abroad Experiences” at the NAFSA Region III conference in Little Rock, AR [Hannah Olevson, Co-Presenter]
- May 2018: “CC Speaker Series: Managers View: Using Career PRint for Your Staff’s Professional Development” panel NAFSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA [Amy Whitish-Temple, Panelist]
- May 2018: “A Snapshot of Crisis Management Techniques from the Perspective of an Education Abroad Provider” poster session at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA [Ilene Tillman and Jason Kouba, Presenters]
- May 2018: “Digital Badges as Innovative Tools in Education Abroad Learning and Engagement” session at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA [Chelsea Kindred, Chair]
- May 2018: “A Blueprint for Education Abroad Returnee Programming” session at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- May 2018: “Navigating Diversity and Inclusive Excellence in Education Abroad workshop at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Philadelphia, PA [Chelsea Kindred, Trainer]
- April 2018: “Why You Should Go Abroad: Exploring Global Opportunities for High School Students” closed session at the Diversity Abroad Annual Conference in Miami, FL [Jenny Doder, Presenter]
- April 2018: “Exploring the Complexities of Advocating for Transgender, Gender Expansive & Intersex Students in Education Abroad” session at Diversity Abroad Annual Conference, Miami, FL [Jason Kouba, Presenter]
- April 2018: “Navigating Our Identities at Home: Reflections on Intercultural Competency and Leadership” session at the Diversity Abroad Annual Conference in Miami, FL [Chelsea Kindred, Chair]
- March 2018: “Digital Badges as Innovative Tools in Education Abroad Learning and Engagement” session at the Forum on Education Abroad Annual Conference in Boston, MA [Chelsea Kindred, Chair]
- March 2018: “Education Abroad Overview Workshop” at the NAFSA Academy Spring Training Conference in Atlanta, GA [Amy Whitish-Temple, Presenter]
- November 2017: “Advising Transgender Students: What Study Abroad Advisors Need to Know” session at NAFSA Tri-Regional Conference, Denver, CO [Jason Kouba, Presenter]
- November 2017: “Pre-Departure (Dis)Orientation – Making Sure Students are Effectively Engaged” at the Region XI Conference in Bretton Woods, NH [Amy Whitish-Temple, Session Chair]
- November 2017: “The Stiff Upper Lip: Response and Resiliency in the UK” session at the NAFSA Region XI Conference in Bretton Woods, NH [Ilene Tillman, Presenter]
- October 2017: “Framing Study Abroad Engagement as Civic Responsibility” session at the IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad in Washington, DC [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- October 2017: “Alumni Networks: Building Mutually Beneficial Relationships” session at the IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad in Washington, DC [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- October 2017: Panel on Customized Programs at the MaCie Conference [Julie Leitman, Panelist]
- October 2017: “Parents as Partners: How to Set Expectations and Bring Out Their Best” webinar for APUAF in France [Julie Leitman, Co-Presenter]
- June 2017: “Evaluating Your Protocols: The Value of Completing and External Security Assessment” session at the Forum on Education Abroad’s Standards of Good Practice Institute “Beyond the Basics of Health, Safety, Security, and Risk Management” in Austin, TX [Courtney Greene, Chair and Co-Presenter]
- June 2017: “Using Social Media to Support Student Learning Abroad” at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Los Angeles, CA [Chelsea Kindred, Co-Presenter]
- May 2017: “Current Trends in Education Abroad Alumni Programming” at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Los Angeles, CA [Chelsea Kindred, Lead Trainer]
- April 2017: “LGBTQI+ Watch: The View from the Study Abroad Office” at the Diversity Abroad Community Discussion [Christie Johnson, Co-Panelist]
- March 2017: “Millenials vs. Gen Z” at the WAIE Conference in Sheboygan, WI [Hannah Olevson, presenter]
- February 2017: “Unpacking Your Study Abroad Experience: Re-Entry, Reverse Culture Shock, Challenges and Tips” at the Connecticut Study Abroad Re-Entry Conference in West Hartford, CT [Ilene Tillman, co-presenter]
- January 2017: “Parents as Partners: How to Set Expectations and Bring out Their Best” webinar for Showa International, Brookline, MA [Julie Leitman, Presenter]
- November 2016: “Making the Case for Innovative Returnee Programming: From Theory to Practice” session at NAFSA Region II Conference in Santa Fe, NM [Chelsea Kindred, Session Chair]
- November 2016: “Making the Case for Innovative Returnee Programming: From Theory to Practice” session at NAFSA Bi-Regional III and VII Conference in New Orleans, LA [Chelsea Kindred, Session Chair]
- October 2016: “Not a Target: Partnerships for Diversity in Education Abroad” session at the IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad in Washington, DC [Chelsea Kindred, Facilitator]
- October 2016: “Advising Transgender Students: What Study Abroad Advisors Need to Know” session at the NAFSA Region V Conference in Milwaukee, WI [Jason Kouba, Co-Presenter]
- October 2016: “Return to Sender: When and How to Send Study Abroad Students Home (Early)” at the NAFSA Region V Conference in Milwaukee, WI [Jason Kouba, Co-Presenter]
- October 2016: “Partnering with Parents: Collaboration not Confrontation” sesssion at NAFSA Region XI Conference in Newport, RI [Julie Leitman, Co-Presenter]
- October 2016: “Becoming Fluent in STEM: EA Professionals Learning the Lingo” sesssion at NAFSA Region XI Conference in Newport, RI [Julie Leitman, Co-Presenter]
- October 2016: “NAFSA Collegial Conversation on Returnee Programming” webinar [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- October 2016: “Live” from Trainer Corps: Transferable Training Skills for International Educators” at the NAFSA Region XI Conference in Newport, RI [Amy Whitish-Temple, Presenter]
- August 2016: “How to Create a Successful Re-Entry Experience in International Education” online webinar, Inside Study Abroad [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- May 2016: “Advising Transgender Students: What Study Abroad Advisors Need to Know” poster session at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Denver, CO [Jason Kouba and Christie Johnson, Presenters]
- May 2016: “NAFSA Open Meeting: Education Abroad Returnee Learning” at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Denver, CO [Chelsea Kindred, Facilitator]
- May 2016: “Trainer Corps Induction and Enrichment Workshops” at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Denver, CO [Amy Whitish-Temple, Trainer, NAFSA Trainer Corps Preparation Team]
- May 2016: “Current Trends in Education Abroad Alumni Programming CTW 4-Hour Workshop” at the NAFSA Annual Conference in Denver, CO [Chelsea Kindred, Lead Trainer]
- May 2016: “Partnering with Parents: Strategies to Manage Expectations for Education Abroad” session at NAFSA Annual Conference in Denver, CO [Julie Leitman, Co-Presenter]
- April 2016: “LGBTQI+ Watch: The View from the Study Abroad Office” at the Diversity Abroad Conference in Atlanta, GA [Christie Johnson, Co-Presenter]
- March 2016: “Reaching Students Where They Are: Creative Engagement Strategies” at the Arkansas State Meeting in Pine Bluff, AR [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- February 2016: “Health, Safety & Risk Management in Education Abroad” session at Texas State NAFSA Meeting in Lubbock, TX [Christie Johnson, Co-Presenter]
- February 2016: “Unpacking Your Study Abroad Experience: Re-Entry, Reverse Culture Shock, Challenges and Tips” at the Connecticut Study Abroad Re-Entry Conference in New Haven, CT [Ilene Tillman, Co-Presenter]
- December 2015: “Advising Transgender Students: What Study Abroad Advisors Need to Know” session at the NAFSA Region IV Conference in Des Moines, IA [Jason Kouba, Presenter]
- October 2015: “Engaging Study Abroad Students at an Earlier Age” session at the IIE Generation Study Abroad Summit in Washington, DC [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- October 2015: “Promoting Faculty-Led Program Success through Effective Communication & Collaboration” session at the NAFSA Region XII Conference in Honolulu, HI [Julie Van Vechten-Smith, Co-Presenter]
- June 2015: “So How Do I Pay For This?” poster session at the annual NAFSA Conference in Boston, MA [Ilene Tillman, Co-Presenter]
- May 2015: “Gender Discrimination (Title IX) and the Violence Against Women Act: Regulatory Implications for Study Abroad” session at the annual NAFSA Conference in Boston, MA [Courtney Greene, chair and Co-Presenter]
- March 2015: “How Far Do You Go to Make it Work? Bringing the Disability Debate to the Table” session at the Forum on Education Abroad Conference in New Orleans, LA [Christie Johnson, Co-Presenter]
- March 2015: “Transgender Students: Challenges and Barriers to Study Abroad” session at the Diversity Abroad Conference in New Orleans, LA [Christie Johnson, Co-Presenter]
- February 2015: “Unpacking Your Study Abroad Experience: Re-Entry, Reverse Culture Shock, Challenges, and Tips” session at the Connecticut Study Abroad Re-Entry Conference in Bridgeport, CT [Ilene Tillman, Co-Presenter]
- November 2014: “Best Practices for Alumni Programming” at the NAFSA Region VIII Conference in Williamsburg, VA [Chelsea Kindred, Presenter]
- November 2014: “Faculty-Led Hybrid Program Development” session at the NAFSA Region III Conference in Fort Worth, TX [Roni Sivan, Co-Presenter]
- November 2014: “Social Media: The Increasingly Vital Marketing and Advising Tool in Education Abroad” session at the NAFSA Region III Conference in Fort Worth, TX [Christie Johnson, Co-Presenter]
- October 2014: “Generation Study Abroad’s Big Idea #9: Engaging the Private Sector” session at the NAFSA Bi-Regional X & XI conference in Albany, NY [Julie Leitman, Co-Presenter]
- October 2014: “Partnering with Parents: How to Manage Expectations and Bring out their Best” session at the NAFSA Bi-Regional X & XI Conference in Albany, NY [Julie Leitman, Presenter]
- May 2014: “Learning Transformed: Experiences Beyond Study Abroad” poster session at the annual NAFSA Conference in San Diego, CA [Barbara West and Karen Williams, Co-Presenters]