2021 API Photo & Video Contest Winners!

January 27, 2022
program updates

API would like to congratulate the winners of our first ever photo and video contest! We received some incredible entries that highlighted the amazing experiences our students had while on our programs and we are so excited to share these images with the world!

First place winners will receive $500. Second place winners will receive $250. Third place winners will receive $100.

Do you want to be included in the next API photo and video contest? This year’s contest opens on February 1, 2022! See the photo contest page for more details and contest rules. 

Category: #ISPYAPI

(Students were encouraged to submit images that included the API logo, set against an international backdrop.)


1st & 2nd place: Autumn Smith, Washington and Lee University, Paris, France

Category: Hits Different In…

(This category was designed to highlight unique experiences that just hit different in the host country.)

1st place: Tiffany Lourdraj, University of Texas at Dallas, Barcelona, Spain

2nd place: Marielle Sanchez, University of Texas at Dallas, Barcelona, Spain

3rd place: Caroline Scott, University of Maine, Grenoble, France

Category: The Moment

(Submissions focused on moments that students will remember for the rest of their lives from their API experience abroad.)

1st place: Molly Irish, Grove City College, Granada, Spain

2nd place: Tiffany Lourdraj, University of Texas at Dallas, Barcelona, Spain

3rd place: Kiera O’Brien, University of Vermont, Barcelona, Spain

Category: Video Shorts

(This category invited students to submit videos highlighting their international experiences – in motion!) 

Check out the winners on our social media channels!





1st place: Abby Warner, University of Rhode Island, Edinburgh, Scotland

2nd place: Leah Johnson, Kutztown University, Edinburgh, Scotland

3rd place: Marielle Sanchez, University of Texas at Dallas, Barcelona, Spain

Honorable Mentions

(These standout photos, shown in no particular order, deserve a special shoutout for capturing some of our students’ most memorable moments abroad. Each photographer represented here will win $50.)

1st photo: Abby Warner, University of Rhode Island, Edinburgh, Scotland

2nd photo: Emily Roach, Winona State University, Reykjavík, Iceland

3rd photo: Mahlet Atrsaw

4th photo: Anna Foster, University of Maine, Havana, Cuba

Thank you to everyone who entered our contest! We loved seeing the view from your perspective, as you explored the world with API!

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