We are excited to announce that we have extended application deadlines for several of our most...
Who We Serve Articles
Introducing API #TravelTuesdays
February marked the launch of API’s new series, #TravelTuesdays, where every Tuesday we share...
API Info Sessions – Join us!
Throughout February, API hosted virtual information sessions for students to learn more about our...
Improving Academic Experiences with New Strategic Academic Advisory Board
API recently established the API Strategic Academic Advisory Board (SAAB), with the goal of...
Alumni Feedback on Our 20 Virtual Programs
As you know, 2020 was a year that dramatically changed the landscape of international education....
Parsons Paris: Art & Design Courses for High School Students
Start Building Your Design Portfolio at Parsons Paris Say Oui to start building your design...
API is Here for You and Your 2021 Plans
It’s Okay to Start Planning! In the midst of uncertainty around the world, API is helping to keep...
The Best Four Months of My Life
API Alumnus, Samantha Hagan shared her study abroad story and began by saying, “There really isn’t anything I would recommend more than study abroad. It was the best 4 months of my life.”
API Community Letter
API is committed to providing enriching international experiences to its participants. We believe...