Who We Serve Articles

Study Abroad Realities: You’re Going to be Nervous
Study Abroad Realities: You’re Going to be Nervous

I’ve been revising my Spanish, reading Argentine news, and watching Argentine TV shows and films on Netflix in an attempt to pick up Argentine slang. However now, a week away from my start date, nerves and anxiousness are starting to creep alongside my excitement and anticipation.

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Getting Sick Abroad
Getting Sick Abroad

Today's blog post comes to us from API Intern Abroad participant Christina DePinto. She's doing an...

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The Terremoto that did(n’t) Happen
The Terremoto that did(n’t) Happen

For some context, this is my first time ever going out of the country. Leading up to this moment I have always, always, always heard about study abroad students experiencing this “culture shock”.

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My Marketing Internship in Dublin
My Marketing Internship in Dublin

I’ve seen the discrepancies between marketing in America vs. Ireland. While the basic premise is the same, I’ve been able to pick up some small things that are done differently here that I will be able to bring back with me to my future career.

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