Beware the Media Rabbit Hole

Today’s blog post comes to us from Lesley University & API alumni Hannah Levine! She studied abroad with us in Madrid, Spain and is sharing some reflections with us today. In today’s social media driven world it isn’t difficult to get distracted for long...

Like a Second Mom

Today’s blog post comes to us from Texas Lutheran University student & #APIabroad alumni Morgan Dill. She studied abroad with us in Galway, Ireland. Arriving into Ireland, I was hesitant on what would be waiting for me once I got there. Would the people be...
One Round Around the Sun – API Blog

One Round Around the Sun – API Blog

Today’s blog post comes to us from #APIabroad Global Leader and University of Wisconsin Milwaukee student Kelly Limberg. She studied abroad with us in Rome, and you can do the same this fall! Applications for many of our programs are due next month. We recommend...