API Safety Update – Chile Demonstrations

November 13 update API directors and students on-site remain vigilant as all API fall programs in Chile enter their final weeks. Though students have returned to classes following the temporary declaration of a state of emergency, classes yesterday and today...

API Safety Update – Barcelona, Spain & Chile

The following includes some updates regarding ongoing security situations in Barcelona, Spain, and in Chile. Barcelona: API’s on-site directors report that protests in the city are calmer, though sporadicprotests are expected to continue.  API’s...
API Recognized by The Forum On Education Abroad’s QUIP

API Recognized by The Forum On Education Abroad’s QUIP

API is thrilled to announce that we have received official recognition by The Forum on Education Abroad’s Quality Improvement Program for Education Abroad (QUIP)! What is QUIP? The Forum’s QUIP program is a rigorous process of self-study and peer review. It...

API Announcement – Hurricane Florence Flight Delays Possible

API is aware of the hurricane approaching the East Coast and expected to make landfall on Friday. Our on-site directors have been notified of the potential for flight delays and/or cancellations as well. Should it become necessary, we will do everything possible to...