Looking Back on Studying Abroad

Today’s blog post comes to us from Texas A&M student & API alumni Jane Turchi! She studied abroad with API in Valparaíso, Chile earlier this summer and took part in our Student Blogger Program. What I’ll remember from study abroad Cachai, bacán and...
Getting Sick Abroad

Getting Sick Abroad

Today’s blog post comes to us from API Intern Abroad participant Christina DePinto. She’s doing an international internship with an Irish magazine this fall. I rarely get sick. I lived in a sorority house with 45 other girls during the school year and...
Fading in Between Worlds

Fading in Between Worlds

Today’s blog post comes to us from Virginia Commonwealth University student and API blogger Khaalis Smithers, who is studying abroad with us in San Jose, Costa Rica! I would love to say that my experience thus far in Costa Rica has been one full of rewards and...
The Terremoto that did(n’t) Happen

The Terremoto that did(n’t) Happen

Today’s blog post comes to us from University of Arkansas at Little Rock student & #APIabroad Fall 2019 blogger Christopher Davis! He’s studying abroad with us in Valparaíso, Chile. In addition to writing about his study abroad experience in English,...
A Day in the Florentine Life

A Day in the Florentine Life

Today’s blog post comes to us from Texas A&M student & #APIabroad blogger Kate Hale! She’s studying abroad with us in Florence, Italy. Applications for our Spring 2020 semester program here are now open! You have until October 15th to apply! For...