Leaving Rome

Leaving Rome

This post comes to us from Christopher Moore. Christopher is currently studying Art History in Rome, Italy. He is studying abroad with API from Emmanuel College. It’s the final week. I’m in my apartment in Rome and looking out the window at the courtyard of my...
My Favorite Place in Rome

My Favorite Place in Rome

This post comes to us from Christopher Moore. Christopher is currently studying Art History in Rome, Italy. He is studying abroad with API from Emmanuel College. It’s been called “the holiest place in Rome” by Oscar Wilde. The English poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley,...
Studying Art History in Rome

Studying Art History in Rome

This post comes to us from Christopher Moore. Christopher is currently studying Art History in Rome, Italy. He is studying abroad with API from Emmanual College.  During my second week in Rome, and feeling starved of an art-going experience, I decided to take a walk...