
May 16, 2018

On May 25th, high school seniors who are making the increasingly popular choice to take a gap year following high school graduation will have their day to shine. Students from across the country will take to social media to announce their gap year plans on the second annual #GapYearDecisionDay. You can learn more about this initiative to share the Gap Year love here: https://gapyearassociation.org/gydd.php

Are you taking gap year with API? Let’s hear about it! Share your plans on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using the hashtags #GapYearDecisionDay and #GYDD

During a gap year abroad, students gain real-world knowledge that cannot be learned in a classroom. They return more motivated, focused and prepared for their first year of college.

Set yourself apart, expand your horizons, follow your dreams and benefit from the advantages of a gap year program abroad. You can learn more about API Gap Year offerings here: http://www.aspirebyapi.com/gap-year/



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