Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal Policies for API Core Programming*

*This policy does not apply to customized/faculty-led programs. To jump to those policies, click here.

All application fees are nonrefundable without exception.

Confirmation deposits are non-refundable unless:

  • The API program is canceled by API or the host institution.
  • The student does not meet API or host institution requirements for enrollment.
  • The student applies for a program that is not approved by their home institution AND the student does not qualify for an alternative API program.

Once a student has officially confirmed their participation in an API program by paying the $400 confirmation deposit (if not covered by the student’s home institution*), the student becomes subject to the standard withdrawal policy as follows:

  • Requests to withdraw must be made in writing and sent to the Program Coordinator. Requests for refunds must also be made in writing and sent to Student Financial Services for consideration.
  • Refunds and cost liability are determined based on the date when written cancellation notice is received from the student. Please note that only the student can provide notice of withdrawal and the date of withdrawal will not be set until the date the notice is received from the student.
  • Students are responsible for program fees according to the schedule below. Should a student withdraw within the timeframe indicated below having not paid the due portion of the program fee, they will be invoiced for the portion due and held responsible for paying that amount.

*If the student’s home institution is covering the $400 confirmation deposit, students will be considered confirmed upon submission of their onboarding step 1 forms and the application fee or application deposit. If the home institution also covers the application deposit, where applicable, then confirmation occurs upon submission of the onboarding step 1 forms.

WITHDRAWAL 61 OR MORE DAYS PRIOR TO PROGRAM START DATE: the student is responsible for the application deposit and confirmation deposit  (collectively with the application fee, “Non-refundable Fees)”. If participating in an internship program and an internship offer has been extended, the student is responsible for an additional $1,000.

WITHDRAWAL 1–60 DAYS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM START DATE: the student is responsible for 50% of the refundable portion of the program cost, plus 100% of the Non-refundable Fees. If participating in an internship program and an internship offer has been extended, the student is responsible for an additional $1,000.

For those students intending to enroll at the University of the Arts London (“UAL”), The API Withdrawal Policy is modified to be in compliance with the UAL policy, such that with respect to the academic fees only, in the event of a withdrawal within 60 days of the program start date (unless prior to UAL’s posted payment deadline), the student is fully responsible for payment of 100% of the those fees.

API’s Deferral Policy Exception

The only exception to this 1-60 Day Withdrawal policy is if a student opts to defer to a comparable API program within 365 days of their original program start date. If they satisfy the conditions of the deferral option, API will waive the 50% withdrawal fee (exclusive of the Non-refundable Fees), as well as on-site expenses arising from the withdrawal, all of which must be paid prior to the execution of the deferral option. However, failure to satisfy the deferral conditions within the specified timeframe will require that the student be held responsible for all conditionally waived withdrawal fees and on-site expenses incurred for the original program, as well as for any charges associated with withdrawal from the deferred program.

WITHDRAWAL ON THE PROGRAM START DATE OR AFTER THE PROGRAM HAS BEGUN: the student is responsible for 100% of the program cost as well as the Non-refundable Fees. 

As detailed in the Participant Agreement, no refunds will be granted to students who must be removed from an API program due to a violation of API’s Code of Conduct. Similarly, no housing refunds are granted if students are removed from API housing due to failure to abide by housing regulations.

Academic Year Students:

Upon arrival in-country, some students decide that an academic year of study is not the right choice for them. Students can minimize withdrawal penalties if they withdraw from the second session prior to the API winter/spring application deadline. If early notification of withdrawal is received in writing by the API , the Academic Year student’s program price will be changed to the standard price for a fall session and the student will  be assessed a withdrawal fee of $550. If API has already made payments on the student’s behalf for the full year that are non-refundable (e.g., tuition and housing), the student will also be assessed the costs for the pre-paid and non-refundable fees. Students who notify us of their intent to withdraw after the winter/spring application deadline are responsible for the full year program cost.

API Lab Participants:

Applicants pay a non-refundable  application fee or deposit with the initial application and the remaining balance is due after enrollment. Applicants who apply on the application deadline are responsible for submitting the full program fee with the application. Once enrolled, all students must pay the full program fee a minimum of 14 days prior to the program start. Participants who withdraw within 14 days of the program start date are responsible for 50% of the program fee. As of the program start date, no refunds will be made.

Virtual Internship Participants:

Applicants pay a non-refundable  application fee or deposit with the initial application. Once the initial application is submitted, a $400 confirmation deposit is required to proceed with the internship placement process. This confirmation payment is non-refundable unless API cannot offer a virtual placement to the student. Once a placement has been offered to the applicant and accepted, full payment is due within 14 days or by the program start date, whichever is earlier. Once a placement has been accepted and payment has been provided, no refunds will be made.

If API cancels the program prior to the original start date then API will refund students all payments made exclusive of the application fee. 

Withdrawal Policy for Customized/Faculty-Led Program Participants*

*Applicable only to participants paying API directly.

All application fees are nonrefundable without exception.

Confirmation deposits are non-refundable unless:

  • The API program is canceled by API or their home institution.
  • The student does not meet API or their home institution requirements for enrollment.
  • The student applies for a program that is not approved by their home institution AND the student does not qualify for an alternative API program

Once a student has officially confirmed their participation in the API program by submitting the  application fee or deposit and $400 confirmation deposit, the student agrees to be held to the standard financial responsibilities and withdrawal policies as follows. Throughout this policy and other API materials, the term “program fees” may be used interchangeably by API with the terms “program cost” or “program payments”.  “Non-refundable Fees”, as used below, refers to the application deposit and confirmation deposit, as well as any fees associated with special services including, but not limited to, premium housing or single room reservations, meal plans, visa processing,  credit card transaction fees, excursions and any other add-ons, and additionally if participating in an internship program and an internship offer has been extended, an additional $1,000.


Participation in this program requires approval by your home university. You understand that upon receipt of your $400 confirmation payment your acceptance in the program is confirmed. If your approval is rescinded by your home university at any point during the pre-departure process due to disciplinary, academic or other issues, you may be removed from this program but will remain subject to the API Withdrawal Policy for Customized/Faculty-Led Programs. 


You will submit to API all payments as defined in the Program Fees and Financial Responsibilities below. Partial payments may be made any time prior to deadlines. API accepts payments through the APIConnect student platform (bank draft/ACH or credit card).


You assume all responsibility to make payments for the program.


As provided in APIConnect by the application deadline, you must submit an application along with the non-refundable application fee or deposit. Late applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Upon acceptance to the program, a non-refundable confirmation deposit will be due within 2 weeks or by the enrollment deadline, whichever comes first. Once the confirmation deposit is received, the student becomes fully liable for the full program fee and the program balance will be assessed to the participant’s account and is due within 2 weeks or by the final payment deadline, whichever comes first. The confirmation deposit will be applied to the total program cost and is not an additional fee.  

After submitting your confirmation deposit, any individual student withdrawals must be made in writing to API and may require additional documentation. No refund will be issued for a student withdrawal that results in enrollment below the minimum requirement.

  • 60 plus days prior to program start: The participant is responsible for all Non-refundable Fees.
  • 30-59 days prior to program start: The participant is responsible for 50% of the full program fee and all Non-refundable Fees.
  • 1-29 days prior to program start: The participant is responsible for 75% of the full program fee and all Non-refundable Fees.
  • Program start date or after program has begun: The student is responsible for 100% of the full program fee and all Non-refundable Fees.

(Applicable to all programs) By submitting your application fee, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.



API highly recommends that students consider purchasing CFAR/IFAR (Cancellation or Interruption for Any Reason) Insurance, which you must sign up for within 21 days of paying your confirmation deposit. Learn more here: https://apiabroad.com/health-safety/#cfar