
API alumni are an exceptional group and we couldn’t be more proud of their accomplishments. Learn more about what’s it’s like to be an API alum, and the programs and opportunities that still await!

Looking for your transcript?

Experiencing London with API

Featured Alumni Scholarship


The Middlebury Institute educates professionals to advance understanding, promote peace, and drive change in pursuit of a more just world. Our graduates have meaningful careers in international affairs, international security, trade and diplomacy, environmental policy. The Middlebury Institute guarantees 25% scholarships to API Global Leadership Academy alumni who enroll in our on-site master’s degrees.


Be an API Ambassador

b3lineicon|b3icon-megaphone||Mega Phone

Share Your Story

Choose your own adventure in terms of how you choose to share: write a blog post, create Instagram content, create a TikTok reel, write a review, attend your university’s study abroad fair, host an information session on your host city, and more! Our alumni team will help you brainstorm activities that best fit your personality and availability on campus.

b3lineicon|b3icon-bulb-gear||Bulb Gear

Build Your Resume

Connect the transformative experience you had abroad to a meaningful contribution to your campus, your community and your resume – something potential employers will love!

b3lineicon|b3icon-user-shield||User Shield

Gain Marketable Skills

Join at any point during the semester and earn further returns on your investment in your API program. Leverage your unique API story into opportunities to grow your marketable skills and build a portfolio of experiences valuable to employers, graduate schools, your community, and more.


Ready for a Repeat?

Your first experience with API was great, right? How about giving an internship or a master’s program a try? We have programs for you whether you’re still in school, embarking on a new career or just trying to broaden your horizons!

Experiences of a Lifetime

Mother and daughter leaning on kitchen counter

I can say without hesitation that choosing to study abroad and choosing to do so with API was the right decision for me. I don’t know that I would have been able to find and take advantage of the same opportunities had I traveled without API.

The API staff are WONDERFUL and I was more than pleased every time I visited the office in Barcelona. API had so much to offer and I was so happy with my decision to travel with them.

My study abroad experience with API in Barcelona, Spain is one I will never forget. API made my experience even more incredible with all the help provided with the culture immersion, academics, housing, and so much more. I’m very grateful to have studied abroad with such an amazing program.

The API staff was absolutely amazing! They were always helpful and were always willing to answer any questions.

The smartest thing I ever did was decide to study abroad in Ireland with API. API helped me to experience every wonderful thing Ireland has to offer.

Father and son sitting on stairs looking at laptop

Share Your


Shape the lives of other students by wrting about your transformative experience with API.  And if you enter our Photo and Video contest, you can win cash prizes!


Become an API Ambassador & speak to prospective students!

Considering an API program and want to speak to one of our alums?