API Photo and Video Contest
Share photos and videos from your unforgettable experiences abroad, and you can win cash prizes! Submit as many photos and videos as you want across the categories listed below. We’ll select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each category—the more times you enter, the more times you’re eligible to win! More details below!
Experience the World with API
The more you enter, the more you can win!
Three 1st Place Winners
Three 2nd Place Winners
THREE 3rd Place Winners
Showcase Your Unique Experiences
Submission Categories
Submit in as many categories as you like! The more you enter, the more you can win!
Do you spy API in your new city? Show us where you spotted the API logo in the wild, whether it’s on your T-shirt or an API flag unfurled against some fabulous backdrop. Or maybe you caught a great candid shot of your Resident Director!
The Moment
Everyone has a moment from their study abroad experience that they’ll remember for the rest of their lives. Maybe you saw a famous landmark with your own eyes for the first time, or made a new lifelong friend, or discovered a fascinating local cultural tradition. What was your Moment?
Video Shorts
Show off your video editing skills with a 15-second to 2-minute video, TikTok, or Instagram Reel highlighting the best parts of your study abroad experience. We want to see your time abroad in motion–studying with classmates, exploring your new city, and making new friends! Here’s how you can submit your video:
- Using the entry form, submit a link to YouTube or Vimeo
- Send the original video file to [email protected]
- Or, better yet: Submit your video via Instagram or Tiktok. Tag @apiabroad on Instagram and @api_abroad on TikTok and use the hashtag #ISpyAPI! Make sure your IG and/or TikTok profile is public so we can view your entries.
Videos submitted on TikTok and Instagram will include a “fan favorite accelerator!” The more likes you get, the more points judges will allocate to your video, so make sure you share those videos far and wide!
Excited to Enter?
Let’s Get Started!
- Submit your photos using this form by June 30, 2024. We know your camera rolls are full, so we welcome you to enter multiple categories — just submit one form per category to be eligible!
- We’ll choose first, second, and third place winners from each category, so the more categories you enter, the more chances you have to win!
- The winners will be announced in July 2024! To celebrate your amazing experiences abroad, your photos and videos could also be published on our website, featured on API Abroad social media channels, and highlighted in our eNewsletter!
Have Questions? Email [email protected] and we’ll help you out!
Contest Rules
Please note that by submitting photos to API Abroad, participants agree to grant API Abroad license for use of the photographs in printed and digital materials, where photos may be modified, retouched, and used for promotional purposes. By agreeing to these terms, entrants are releasing all submitted photos from any liability that may arise from the use of the images.