Back to School- Are You Ready to Study Abroad?

September 11, 2017

It’s that time of year again- school supply shopping, the air is getting cooler and fall is just around the corner! If you’re a planning/dreaming/ thinking about including a study abroad experience as part of your undergraduate career there are some things you can be doing early on to be sure when the time comes to apply, you’re ready to go!

  1. Explore the cities you’ve always had a curiosity about studying in on the API website and here on the blog!
  2. Get a passport- it’s always a good idea to have a current passport so your focus can be picking courses, preparing for international travel, and day-dreaming about strolling the streets of your new home.
  3. Check up on GPA requirements, and then work to make it so! All GPA requirements are listed on the program pages. Each program varies, so be sure to check out the specific program within your future study abroad city. Also, keep an eye out for on-campus requirements that can vary from university to university back home!
  4. Learn about your on-campus resources; Say hello to your international office! Get to know what resources exist on campus to promote your future global experience. Get involved with international clubs, attend study abroad fairs, activities, and presentations to grow and develop as a global learner!
  5. Embrace the process! Oftentimes a study abroad experience can feel like a whirlwind- one minute you’re trying to decide where to go and before you know it you’re sitting on a plane headed overseas! Pre-departure journaling and reflection can be a beautiful thing once you’ve completed a semester abroad. What are you most excited about? What are you nervous about? What are you hoping to learn? Jot down some thoughts as they change through the process and seek out stories from others who have studied before you!

We are excited for you as you begin the study abroad process- don’t forget to reach out as questions come up! You can also follow along with current students by subscribing to the blog, following us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! Adventures ahead!



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