Who We Serve Articles

My Internship Abroad in Dublin
My Internship Abroad in Dublin

I got to intern within the Gaelic Athletic Association which is the national league for the two Irish sports: Gaelic Football and Hurling. Since I want to go into a career in the sports industry learning about what types of sports a country plays is one of my biggest interest in a country’s culture.

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Paprika Chips, Toilets & Street Cats
Paprika Chips, Toilets & Street Cats

We sat on the grass and listened to the music playing in the Biergarten nearby. The temperature had dropped to a level where one could be outside for more than 5 minutes without sweating, so it was quite a pleasant evening. After a while, we walked back to the hotel and turned in for the night.

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Don’t fall for these study abroad myths

When we ask students about why they’re holding back from going abroad, we usually hear a few similar answers. Some of these answers… stories of the hassles, the expenses, the cost-benefits… are, well, false! Today we’re sifting through fact versus fiction.

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Here’s Why You Should Start Planning Your Study Abroad Early
Here’s Why You Should Start Planning Your Study Abroad Early

Gather ‘round children! Today I have a very important public service announcement for all of you who may have thought, even a tiny little bit, that research and planning for your study abroad trip isn’t important because things “should just work themselves out”.

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