Students Articles

My Journey to Spain
My Journey to Spain

Flying to Spain was my first experience traveling internationally, and my flight was 6 hours with a 50-minute connection! Yes, you heard that correctly: a 50-minute connection! It was just as terrifying as it sounds.

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5 More Unique Summer Study Abroad Programs
5 More Unique Summer Study Abroad Programs

From filmmaking to computer science, there’s an option for everyone at API. Be sure to visit our website where you can request more information and get all of your study abroad questions answered!

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A Mother’s Wisdom
A Mother’s Wisdom

This story, from the jump, gets a huge shout out to my host mother who always always always encouraged me to go out and explore the city (“para conocer” (so that I can get to know it more) so I wouldn’t regret not having gone out at the end of my stay.

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