Today’s blog post comes to us from UW-Platteville student & #APIabroad blogger Andi Fuerst. She’s studying abroad with us in Grenoble, France and today she’s diving in to French stereotypes… and why they’re false!
Europe Articles
New Perspectives
I have been asked, “Well, would you do it all over, and put yourself through that all again?̈” Absolutely, because I could not imagine where I would be today if I hadn’t.
Happy Pride Month – Why Berlin
Berlin, Germany is the birthplace of many “firsts” for the LGBTQ community
Like a Second Mom
Today's blog post comes to us from Texas Lutheran University student & #APIabroad alumni...
Interning for the “Rolling Stone” of Ireland
I’m interning at a magazine in Dublin; basically it’s a privately owned magazine that kind of focuses on music & culture. It’s been around for many years. They put on the largest music festival in the country, called Longitude Festival.
Culture Shock: Hindsight is 20/20
Today's blog post comes to us from UW-Plateville student & API blogger Josh Weaver. He's...
Diversity Perspectives While Abroad
Today's blog post comes to us from Pacific University student & API alumni Kenzi Hasbun. She's...
5 reasons to intern abroad in Dublin
This week it's all things internships at API! We have lots of upcoming deadlines for our intern...
Intern in Lisbon! A new city to #internabroad with API!
Great news! API is expanding our internship placement opportunities! Starting THIS SUMMER,...