Today's blog post is written by API's Senior Vice President of Organizational Policy and Student...
Latin America Articles
Transporte en Chile
A little bit less analysis and a bit more of some nitty-gritty applicable information for all of you who may be considering studying abroad, and particularly in Chile!
Here’s Why You Should Start Planning Your Study Abroad Early
Gather ‘round children! Today I have a very important public service announcement for all of you who may have thought, even a tiny little bit, that research and planning for your study abroad trip isn’t important because things “should just work themselves out”.
Study Abroad Realities: You’re Going to be Nervous
I’ve been revising my Spanish, reading Argentine news, and watching Argentine TV shows and films on Netflix in an attempt to pick up Argentine slang. However now, a week away from my start date, nerves and anxiousness are starting to creep alongside my excitement and anticipation.
Fading in Between Worlds
Today's blog post comes to us from Virginia Commonwealth University student and API blogger...
The Terremoto that did(n’t) Happen
For some context, this is my first time ever going out of the country. Leading up to this moment I have always, always, always heard about study abroad students experiencing this “culture shock”.
Medical Spanish Immersion in Buenos Aires
Today's blog post comes to us from University of North Texas student & #APIabroad blogger...
My Travel Guide for Students of Color – API Blog
Today's blog post comes to us from Virginia Commonwealth University student & API blogger...
Learnings from Cuba
Today's blog post comes to us Adam Barone and Daniel Skinner! Skinner is an assistant professor of...