iving in Lisbon has given me the best experiences of my life, so the purpose of this blog post is to share these experiences and to show people why they should visit Lisbon!
Destinations Articles
Reflections on Florence
As I take my last final exam today, spend my last day in Florence tomorrow & board a plane back to New York after 4 months of being away from everyone and everything I love on Saturday, I wanted to take some time to reflect on my experience & everything I have learned since being abroad.
Auditioning for the Moulin Rouge
Gap year student Olivia shares her story of auditioning for Paris’s iconic Moulin Rouge cabaret.
How is my second time studying abroad different from my first?
Sophia Ma shares her story of her two study abroad experiences in Spain: How is she approaching the second trip differently from the first?
API and Erasmus: The Best of Both Worlds
I’m so grateful that I got to visit those two remarkable cities in Portugal thanks to API.
Happy Thanksgiving
One of our favorite traditions is to host Thanksgiving dinners for our students around the world.
Shoutout to API for saving my trip to Atacama
There was something compelling about feeling connected to a group of long lost ancestors, even with all our modern trappings, by finding some form of diversion in looking at the sky. To imagine that, from a material perspective, we are the universe observing itself. That was really cool.
Continuing the Study Abroad Experience at Home
It’s already been a few weeks since your return and no one seems to want to hear about your stories anymore. So, what now? How can you keep your study abroad experience and passion for other cultures going?
A Black Woman’s Experience Studying Abroad
Today's blog post comes to us from API Global Leader & University of Alabama student Anna...