Twenty years ago today (August 15, 2001), I walked into the API office to begin what I thought was a job. Little did I know that when I opened that door I was taking my first steps into a career that would span two decades, nor did I anticipate that this position would lead to lifelong friendships with individuals who have enriched my life exponentially and who have become like family to me.
Experiences Articles
Studying Abroad Changed My Personal and Professional Trajectory
As a lifelong learner myself, I’m always curious about what is around the next corner or behind a mysterious door. I believe that I am where I am today because of my commitment to this way of life and am honored to help others find their own unique paths.
Reflections on Lessons Learned While Working Abroad
Years ago, I studied abroad in both Madrid and Paris, and these experiences were so impactful that I knew with complete certainty that I wanted to pursue opportunities that would allow me to travel and to continue engaging in intercultural exchange.
Smart Travels with Sam: Learning a Language Abroad
Welcome back! Today I’ll be using this space to offer my opinion on a question asked on our...
Finding Comfort in Memories of Study Abroad
By: Jason Kouba, Vice President of University Relations One of my favorite things to do is travel....
May #TravelTuesday Roundup! Alumni Stories
Now that the world is opening back up our dreams of travel don’t seem so far away! This May we...
Surviving the Travel Bug During a Pandemic
Let's face it… everyone is susceptible to the travel bug at some point in their lives. I can...
API Digital Badge Program
Since 2016 API has been leading the way in micro-credentialing with the API Learning and...
Why I Love Study Abroad
by Courtney Greene, Senior VP of International Operations “The only source of knowledge is...