Today's blog post comes to us from Virginia Commonwealth University student and API blogger...
Program Stage Articles
The Terremoto that did(n’t) Happen
For some context, this is my first time ever going out of the country. Leading up to this moment I have always, always, always heard about study abroad students experiencing this “culture shock”.
My Marketing Internship in Dublin
I’ve seen the discrepancies between marketing in America vs. Ireland. While the basic premise is the same, I’ve been able to pick up some small things that are done differently here that I will be able to bring back with me to my future career.
API Global Leaders Visit Austin
We welcomed incoming participants of the API Global Leadership Academy to our headquarters for a weekend of training and professional development before their tenure began!
Weekend Getaways in Chile
Today's blog post comes to us from Texas A&M student & new API alumni Jane Turchi! She...
My Internship Abroad in Lisbon [API Intern Profile]
Today's blog post comes to us from University of North Carolina at Charlotte student Christopher...
Preparing for Study Abroad: Physically & Mentally
Today's blog post comes to us from Fordham University student & #APIabroad blogger Nicole...
Wrapping up my First Week in Buenos Aires
My first week in Argentina is complete and I am ready for a relaxing weekend. I witnessed a surgery today at the hospital and it was the perfect way to end my week in orthopedics.
Navigating Race While Abroad
Today's blog post comes to us from University of Alabama student & #APIabroad Global Leader...