Today's blog post comes to us from UW La Crosse student Jenna Sandstrom! She studied abroad with...
Program Stage Articles
Host City 101 – How to stay involved in your new home
It's 2019! If your New Years Resolution is to travel more, we've got good news for you! We're...
One month in Sharjah
As students eagerly await their study abroad adventure, we sometimes get questions about what to...
The top 10 questions I get asked about living in Cuba
Happy New Year from all of us at API! Today's post comes to us from University of Maine student...
API’s 2018 In Review
It's been a fantastic year for API's staff, students, interns, volunteers, alumni and friends!...
Futbol: a lot like studying abroad
Today's blog post comes to us from API Alumni and John Jay College graduate Miranda Tharp! She...
Studying abroad as a STEM major
Today's post comes to us from API Global Leader and Umass Amherst student Alyssa Cangemi! She's...
7 Unique Internships Abroad
Most colleges and universities today require an internship at some point. Because internships...
Summer I Art & Design Courses at Parsons Paris
Our brains may be in "holiday mode," but it's never too early to start thinking about summer...