This post comes to us from our partner institution in San Jose, Costa Rica: ICDS (International...
Topics Articles
#ISPYAPI – A Study Abroad Reflection
This guest post comes to us from University of Arkansas- Little Rock student, Reagan Martin who is...
Am I Homesick or Depressed?
Editors Note: Studying abroad is an incredible but challenging experience for participants. It...
Alumni Connections: Carolyn
Either during summer break, after graduation, or mid-career, there are a variety of API Volunteer...
ICDS: Costa Rica & Host Families
This post comes to us from our partner institution in San Jose, Costa Rica: ICDS (International...
Summer Courses at Parsons Paris: Interview with Fiona Dieffenbacher
We had the chance to interview Fiona Dieffenbacher a Program Director and Assistant Professor of...
The Farmstay Experience in Australia and New Zealand
This opportunity enables people to live and work on a variety of organic properties in exchange...
ICDS- Development Studies in Latin America: An Interdisciplinary Program
API offers a great opportunity for students to learn more and get involved in the search for...
Reflections on the Diversity Abroad Conference
This post comes to us from API's Content Marketing Coordinator, Rachel Skinner. In March, API sent...