API Blog

Don’t fall for these study abroad myths

When we ask students about why they’re holding back from going abroad, we usually hear a few similar answers. Some of these answers… stories of the hassles, the expenses, the cost-benefits… are, well, false! Today we’re sifting through fact versus fiction.

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Here’s Why You Should Start Planning Your Study Abroad Early
Here’s Why You Should Start Planning Your Study Abroad Early

Gather ‘round children! Today I have a very important public service announcement for all of you who may have thought, even a tiny little bit, that research and planning for your study abroad trip isn’t important because things “should just work themselves out”.

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Study Abroad Realities: You’re Going to be Nervous
Study Abroad Realities: You’re Going to be Nervous

I’ve been revising my Spanish, reading Argentine news, and watching Argentine TV shows and films on Netflix in an attempt to pick up Argentine slang. However now, a week away from my start date, nerves and anxiousness are starting to creep alongside my excitement and anticipation.

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Getting Sick Abroad
Getting Sick Abroad

Today's blog post comes to us from API Intern Abroad participant Christina DePinto. She's doing an...

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Things I Wish I did Last Time I Studied Abroad in Spain
Things I Wish I did Last Time I Studied Abroad in Spain

Today’s blog post comes to us from University of Vermont student & #APIabroad blogger Sophia Ma! She’s getting ready to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain. Interestingly, this is her second time going abroad! Today she’s sharing things she wish she knew or did the last time she studied abroad in Spain.

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