Day trip to Cádiz – API Blog

Day trip to Cádiz – API Blog

Today’s blog post comes to us from Drake University student & API Spring 2019 blogger Maddie Topliff! She’s talking about a day trip to Cádiz with API, as well as how she spent the weekend in Spain’s beautiful beach town. Hey reader!...
Traveling while studying in Rome – API Blog

Traveling while studying in Rome – API Blog

Today’s blog post comes to us from UMass Amherst student & API blogger Brigid Loftus. She’s studying abroad with us in Rome, Italy! I won’t lie; my expectations for studying abroad are completely different than the reality. I was under the...

Living in Auckland – API Blog

Today’s blog post comes to us from Wagner College student & API blogger Melanie Derosa! She’s studying abroad with us in Auckland, New Zealand. Although I have only been here about two weeks, I’ve definitely had some wild experiences while living...
Madrid to Lisbon – API Blog

Madrid to Lisbon – API Blog

Today’s blog post is by Bard College student & API blogger Paola Luchsinger! She’s studying abroad with us in Madrid, Spain. It’s been one month exactly since I arrived in Madrid but it feels like I’ve been here so much longer. I’ve been so busy and...
Culture Shock: Hindsight is 20/20

Culture Shock: Hindsight is 20/20

Today’s blog post comes to us from UW-Plateville student & API blogger Josh Weaver. He’s studying abroad with us in Seville, Spain. Hindsight is 20/20. It’s easy to see what is directly in front of you, but the real challenge is not only seeing in...