Happy Holidays from API!

Happy Holidays from API!

It’s an exciting week ahead! Hanukkah has just begun, and Christmas is around the corner. Kwanzaa starts soon too, and many of our fall 2019 students are returning home to spend the holidays with their families. However you celebrate, we hope this holiday season...
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Tomorrow marks Thanksgiving in the United States! We hope you spend it with loved ones. If you’re currently abroad, we hope your holiday is amazing & spent with some of your favorite API friends & family! One of our favorite traditions is to host...
Happy Thanksgiving! [Delicious Dishes from Around the World]

Happy Thanksgiving! [Delicious Dishes from Around the World]

In America, families across the country are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with loved ones. A big part of the holiday is, of course, a gigantic, delicious meal! Today we thought it would be fun to share some of our favorite recipes from our staff around the...

Happy Limerick Day – API Blog

Yesterday marked National Limerick Day! The event celebrates the birthday of English author & poet Edward Lear, who is considered the “father” of the limerick. Limericks consist of five lines of poetry; the first two lines rhyme with the fifth line and...

4 eco-friendly cities where you can study abroad

Today is Earth Day! The annual holiday is marked with events around the world aimed at supporting environmental protection. Today, with the help of the University Impact Rankings for 2019, we’re breaking down the greenest study abroad program locations. In...