The snow melted on the quad. The graduation caps wait in a warehouse to be shipped to campus. You...
Alumni Articles
Packing Tips for Studying Abroad: As Told By An API Alum
Meet Lindsey Gabler, an API Alum and Global Leader at University of Georgia, who went abroad to...
Project-Based Internships: Chloe’s Experience
Curious about life while interning abroad? Meet Chloe Sperling, an API alum and recent marketing...
API Alumni: Alyssa’s Internship Abroad in Barcelona
Are you wondering if you should study or intern abroad? If you’re unsure, sometimes hearing the...
Spring Study Abroad Fairs
The spring fair season is here! API will be on college campuses across the country in the upcoming...
API’s Internships Abroad in London
When it comes to living and working abroad, London is a city that’s hard to match! Imagine walking...
Go Abroad This Fall: #TravelTuesdays RoundUp
As you consider studying abroad with API this fall? It’s not too late: API is still accepting...
It’s API’s Fare Finder™! Book Lower Cost Airfare for Your Program
If you’re a student looking to book travel for an academic experience, you are likely searching...
Learning a Language Abroad: Arly’s Experience in Spain
Learning a new language can certainly feel intimidating, especially when immersing yourself in a...