As we reflect on 2022, we wanted to share some of the stories our API Alumni shared with our...
Destinations Articles
Intern Abroad in London: Mia’s Experience
Are you considering an internship abroad? As you explore your options, it’s always helpful to hear...
Elizabeth Ann’s Internship Abroad in London
As you think about experiential learning opportunities abroad, you may wonder if an internship is...
A Walk Through Florence: Part One
More than ten years after I arrived in Florence for my very first study abroad experience, I stood...
Hanna’s Experience in England
Meet Hanna Murphy, an API Alum majoring in Criminology and Delinquency at Emporia State...
Tamara’s Experience in Spain
Meet Tamara Anderson, an API Alum who majored in Marketing at Concordia University in St. Paul,...
Open Fall, Academic Year Programs
Fall programs for 2022 are officially closed, but if you've procrastinated your way into a pickle,...
Open API Summer Programs
There is still time to apply to Summer 2022 API programs! Below please find application deadlines* for our study abroad and virtual programs for the coming terms.
Study Abroad: An Affordable and Valuable Investment in Your Future!
Time and time again we have heard from students who indicate that they “could never afford to...