API's dedication and commitment to international education for students of all interests and...
Experiences Articles
Interning for the “Rolling Stone” of Ireland
I’m interning at a magazine in Dublin; basically it’s a privately owned magazine that kind of focuses on music & culture. It’s been around for many years. They put on the largest music festival in the country, called Longitude Festival.
Why taking an internship abroad is an ideal move for your career
An internship is an ideal option for gaining job experience and getting a taste of what your selected career will be like. However, with more and more students doing internships, how in the world is a job applicant supposed to stand out? The answer: take your internship to a new place around the world.
My Travel Guide for Students of Color – API Blog
Today's blog post comes to us from Virginia Commonwealth University student & API blogger...
Gap Year: The Essential Guide for High School & College Students
You’ve probably heard the term before, but what is a gap year? A gap year is an open-ended term...
Learnings from Cuba
Today's blog post comes to us Adam Barone and Daniel Skinner! Skinner is an assistant professor of...
Study & intern in Auckland – API Program Spotlight
It's not too late to study abroad in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand this fall! We're accepting...
9 reasons I love Salamanca – API High School Summer
Liana Cramer is a two-time API alum: during high school, she studied abroad with us on...
Culture Shock: Hindsight is 20/20
Today's blog post comes to us from UW-Plateville student & API blogger Josh Weaver. He's...