Nestled along Ireland’s west coast lies the harbor city of Galway. From stone-clad cafes to the long winding lanes of the Latin Quarter, the city remains a hidden gem for travelers and students alike. Although you’ll find crowded touristy areas in bigger...
Today’s post comes to us from UW-LaCrosse student and Spring 2019 student blogger Savannah Stanley! She’s studying abroad with API in San José, Costa Rica. She’s only been there a couple weeks, but she’s already gone on some adventures! Today...
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today’s blog post comes to us from Texas State University student & API blogger Kayla Duff. She’s studying abroad with us in Cork, Ireland! I wanted to write about something today that I know a lot of study abroad students...
Today’s blog post comes to us from UW-Plateville student & API blogger Josh Weaver! I am back and excited to say I am moved in with my host mom in Sevilla! The past week has been an intense sightseeing schedule which turns out to be quite exhausting. Sunday...
Studying abroad in New Zealand provides you with the unique experience of exploring, literally, the other side of the world! This gorgeous country is home to some of the friendliest people you’ll meet. To help you navigate life in your host country, here are 7...