6 reasons to study abroad in Galway, Ireland

6 reasons to study abroad in Galway, Ireland

Nestled along Ireland’s west coast lies the harbor city of Galway. From stone-clad cafes to the long winding lanes of the Latin Quarter, the city remains a hidden gem for travelers and students alike.  Although you’ll find crowded touristy areas in bigger...
Jacó, Costa Rica – API Blog

Jacó, Costa Rica – API Blog

Today’s post comes to us from UW-LaCrosse student and Spring 2019 student blogger Savannah Stanley! She’s studying abroad with API in San José, Costa Rica. She’s only been there a couple weeks, but she’s already gone on some adventures! Today...

First Impressions of Sevilla – API Blog

Today’s blog post comes to us from UW-Plateville student & API blogger Josh Weaver! I am back and excited to say I am moved in with my host mom in Sevilla! The past week has been an intense sightseeing schedule which turns out to be quite exhausting. Sunday...