Spending $$ in a new country – API Blog

Spending $$ in a new country – API Blog

Today’s blog post comes to us from Loyola University Chicago student & API blogger Lily Pappanikou! She’s a Criminal Justice major studying abroad with us in Edinburgh, Scotland. Wow, I haven’t blogged in a little while! Juggling school and...
LUC in the land of Harry Potter – API Blog

LUC in the land of Harry Potter – API Blog

Today’s post comes to us from an LUC student who studied abroad with us in Edinburgh, Scotland. She’s opening up about experiencing homesickness – which is something many students experience while abroad! API recommends reaching out to your resident...
7 Unique Internships Abroad

7 Unique Internships Abroad

Most colleges and universities today require an internship at some point. Because internships offer opportunities to gain experience and make connections, finding the right placement is essential (and can be stressful!). Today, more and more students are choosing...
STEM Students: Plenty of Opportunity to Study Abroad

STEM Students: Plenty of Opportunity to Study Abroad

A common misconception about studying abroad is that there aren’t many opportunities for STEM students. But that’s not the case! In fact, it’s now the top field of study for U.S. students who study abroad. Today we’re highlighting some of...