Gap Year Internship in Chile: Grace’s Story

Gap Year Internship in Chile: Grace’s Story

This post comes to us from Gap Year Intern, Grace Plunkett. Grace is currently interning with Start Up Chile in Santiago with API. This was originally published on her blog. Update one: First Weeks in Chile “Hello all I am back (in South America!) I arrived a...

API Intern Abroad Programs- Deadlines Extended!

The following Intern Abroad Program deadlines have been extended. Apply Today! 8-Week Fixed Date Summer Intern Abroad Programs ( Barcelona, Spain – SUMMER 1 DEADLINE FEBRUARY 15, 2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina – SUMMER 1 DEADLINE...
My Typical Day in Santiago, Chile

My Typical Day in Santiago, Chile

This post comes from Mikayla Walters from the University of South Alabama. Mikayla is a Chemical Engineering Major currently Interning in Santiago, Chile. I’ve been in Chile for three weeks now, so I would say I’m starting to get the hang of how things go around here!...
Meet the Summer ’17 Blog Team!

Meet the Summer ’17 Blog Team!

Each semester the API blog features a crew of thoughtful, hardworking and passionate bloggers. The team will share their abroad experience via writing, videography, photography… a mix of expressive mediums to tell their API story; presenting an opportunity to...