Making and Understanding 


Frequently Asked Payment Questions

Below are our most commonly asked questions regarding payments. These links to Financial Aid information and Scholarships will provide additional insight on those topics.

How do I pay API?

Online (preferred method):

  • Payments are accepted online via the student’s APIConnect account. Once logged into the student’s APIConnect account, navigate to the enrollment page to see the payment schedule and select form of payment:


  • API cannot take any payment over the phone.

Accepted Types of Payment – API accepts the following payment methods:

(ACH) Bank Draft/Transfer (bank account number and routing number needed)

  • Log in to student’s APIConnect account and navigate to the enrollment page to see the payment schedule. Click on the “Make a Payment” button and select the type of payment you wish to make (bank draft/ACH payment electronically).

Credit Card & Debit Card

  • Paying by this method involves a 3% convenience fee for US cards or a 4 % convenience fee for International & International address cards.
  • American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover are accepted.
  • To pay by credit card, log in to student’s APIConnect account and navigate to the enrollment page to see the payment schedule. Click on the “Make a Payment” button.

Personal Check

  • Make checks payable to Academic Programs International. Each check should include student’s full name and API account number. Send to:
    Academic Programs International LLC
    P.O. Box 224532
    Dallas, Texas 75222-4532

Money Order

  • Make money orders payable to Academic Programs International and send to API’s Austin address. Money orders MUST include the student’s full name.

International Wire

  • API does allow wire payments from international students who do not have a US bank account. Please contact API Program Coordinator/Manager for more information.
  • Please note that a $30 fee can be charged for all returned checks, returned ACH payments, or disputed credit card payments.
Why are all payments due before program start? Are there any exceptions?
  • API makes all arrangements for students well before their arrival on-site. These arrangements can include securing quality housing, submitting tuition deposits and fees at the host university, and arranging and confirming transportion for orientation and excursions. As a result, API must collect all fees prior to the start of the program.
  • The only exception to this API standard is if you are using financial aid to pay for all or a portion of your final payment amount due. You must first show proof of financial aid by completing and returning API’s Financial Aid Verification Form (FAVF). Then the amount of financial aid on your API account will be given a new due date, usually two weeks after your financial aid disbursement date.
Does API offer payment plans?
  • Currently, API does not offer any payment plans. We encourage you to speak with your Financial Aid Office at your home institution to see what options might be available to you. If you receive Financial Aid assistance, API can defer that portion of your program costs to a later date.
Does API charge late fees?

API reserves the right to assess late fees. Payments on the invoices are due upon receipt (the “Payment Due Date”). Payments not received within 10 days of the Due Date will accrue interest, commencing on the 11th day until paid in full, at the rate of 1% per month on the unpaid balance, or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less.

How do program payments work?

API advises students to carefully review the following payment policies. In certain instances, a student’s home university may assume some or all of the program fees, including the application deposit and/or the confirmation payment. API urges all students to discuss the following payment policies with their home university before applying to study abroad.

Note: API reserves the right to accelerate the payment schedule below or require full payment with the application depending upon the date of application and the program start date.

Application Fee

A non-refundable $50 application fee must accompany an application. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and no application is processed without the fee. The application fee is non-refundable. .

Study Abroad Confirmation Process

  • Upon acceptance into an API study abroad program, students have 2 weeks to confirm their participation in the program by submitting a non-refundable $400 confirmation payment. (Late applicant payment schedule and timelines may vary.)
  • API cannot make any accommodations or on-site reservations on behalf of a student until the confirmation payment has been received. The confirmation payment is applied to the program cost and is not an additional fee.
  • Once the confirmation payment is received, a student is confirmed for the program and is held responsible according to API’s withdrawal policy
  • Students attending universities that cover the confirmation payment are considered confirmed upon agreeing to API’s terms and conditions.
  • Please note that students are not responsible for any program fees beyond the initial application deposit if they do not confirm their participation in the API program. Please contact your API Program Coordinator in the event you need to withdraw from the program.

Internship Confirmation Process

  • Upon acceptance into an API intern abroad program, students have 2 weeks to confirm their participation in the program by submitting Onboarding Step 1 forms and a non-refundable $400 confirmation payment. (Late applicant payment schedule and timelines may vary.)
  • API cannot initiate the placement process, make any accommodations or on-site reservations on behalf of a student until the confirmation payment has been received. The confirmation payment is applied to the program cost and is not an additional fee.
  • Once the confirmation payment is received, a student is confirmed for the program and is held responsible according to API’s withdrawal policy. Your API Program Manager will be in contact to coordinate your API interview. 
  • Students attending universities that cover the confirmation payment are considered confirmed upon agreeing to API’s terms and conditions.

Please note that participants are not responsible for any program fees beyond the initial application deposit if they do not confirm their participation in the API program. Please contact your API Program Manager in the event you need to withdraw from the program.

Final Payment

The remaining balance of the program cost is due by the Final Payment deadline listed on your API account payment schedule. Please refer to your API billing statement and online API account payment schedule for exact due dates. Any student who does not meet this deadline may incur a $180 late penalty.

The website is not allowing me to click the button to submit a payment. What should I do?

First, try clearing your cache or using a different browser. To clear your cache, simply hold the shift button and refresh the page. If the problem persists, let your program coordinator/manager know.

How do I know if API has received my payment?
  • Once API receives payment, it can take up to 3 business days for the payment to be processed and then applied to your API account.
  • All payments receive a notification email confirmed that the payment has been submitted to API.
  • Remember that your bank account or credit card statement will be the very first place where your payment is reflected.
  • Please note that you can always log into your APIConnect account to see your payment schedule and balance details. You will be able to confirm there that your payments have been applied to your account.
How can I get a copy of my billing statement?
  • Billing statements are emailed to your billing contact email and student email once a month and after any API account updates or adjustments.
  • Please note that you can always log into your APIConnect account to see your payment schedule and balance details. You will also be able to confirm that your payments have been applied to your account.
  • You can also request additional or updated billing statements by contacting your API Program Coordinator/Manager.
Can I use my financial aid to pay for my program?
  • Yes, API accepts all forms of financial aid according to approval from the home university or organization. However, API does not issue or offer financial aid.
  • Once proof of financial aid is provided in the submission of a completed Financial Aid Verification Form (FAVF), API then adjusts a student’s payment schedule based on disbursement dates of financial aid awards. This FAVF form acts as a deferral for any final payment amount covered by the financial aid. This form must be submitted by the date of the original final payment deadline.
  • Please note that deposits cannot be covered by financial aid and those payments must be submitted at their respective due dates. This includes the $150 application deposit and the $400 confirmation payment, in addition to any additional fees on the API account.
  • Please refer to the Financial Aid page for a more comprehensive explanation of using your financial aid with your API program.
  • Please note that you can always log into your APIConnect account to see your payment schedule and balance details. You will be able to confirm there that your payments have been applied to your account.
What if I withdraw from my program? Can I safeguard my program payments?
  • If you need to withdraw from your program, you will need to alert your Program Manager/Coordinator, in writing, as soon as possible.
  • It is possible that program arrangements have already been confirmed on your behalf, and you will still be responsible for making payments to API for these arrangements.
  • API also highly recommends that all students purchase CFAR/IFAR (Cancellation or Interruption for Any Reason) Insurance, which you must sign up for within 21 days of paying your confirmation deposit. Learn more here:
  • Please refer to the Withdrawal Policy page Withdrawal Policy and Safeguards of this website for more detailed information.
Is my $50 application fee refundable?
The $50 application fee is not refundable. 
Is there any discount for participation in an additional API program?

Students who elect to complete a second (or third or fourth!) study abroad session with API, will receive a 5% discount on the program cost for the subsequent session.

NOTE – this discount applies to study abroad programs.

Any API alumni who participate in a subsequent full-time internship program will receive a $200 discount.

API also offers a sibling discount of $100 for siblings who study abroad at the same time with API or during separate sessions.

Does API issue 1098T forms for tax purposes?

Because API is not a Title IV institution, we do not issue 1098T forms. However, when requested, we will provide you with a billing statement showing the payments you’ve made to API, as well as a price breakdown of your program. You should take these documents to a tax professional to find out what portion of your API program cost is tax deductible.

Can my family use a 529 plan to pay API?

API does accept payments made from 529 plans. However, you will need to contact the 529 organization and find out their requirements for making payments to a 3rd party provider of study abroad programs like API. In some cases, the funds can only be released to a Title IV eligible entity. API isn’t a Title IV institution, but your home university should be. You may need to contact your study abroad or financial office at your home university to see if they will provide documentation that you are receiving credit for the program you are attending. Another option may be for the home university to allow the funds to be disbursed to them and then issue you the refund for these funds.

To help you out, here are the questions you should ask:

Of the 529 organization:

  • Are my 529 funds eligible for use for a study abroad program through a 3rd party provider?
  • What documents would I need to provide?
  • Where will the funds be sent: to me, the school, or API, and when will this happen?
  • Are there any additional steps I will need to take to make this happen that I haven’t already asked about?

Of the school, if need be:

  • Will you allow the funds from the 529 to be disbursed to the university on behalf of API?
  • Do you require that API sign a consortium agreement before you would allow the funds to be disbursed to you?
  • Would you provide a letter stating that I am receiving credit for my study abroad courses if needed?

API recommends asking questions of your 529 plan well in advance of program payment deadlines.

Am I able to use the GI Bill or VA benefits with API?

In the past few years, API has had a small number of students attempt to use their GI Bill funds toward their API program. Because of VA and home institution regulations, this process has been complicated with no certainty of success as the VA benefits were not allowed to come directly to a third party provider like API.

We recommend that students meet with their VA coordinator and discuss the content in the links below.

Is my airfare covered in the cost of my program?

No. Due to the nature of air travel, traveler preferences and rate increases for last or last minute bookings, API leaves the booking of air travel to participants. 

Where can I find a price breakdown for my program?

Price breakdowns, which may be needed for financial aid offices, can be found here: 

Still Have Questions? 

Still not sure about something or need additional help? Contact us using the chat feature on our website or send an email to your program coordinator.