Student Visas

Depending on which site you select for your API program, the length of your program, and your country of citizenship, you may be required to apply for a student visa to enter the host country for purposes of study. API will provide guidance and the required documents for the student visa process after you have confirmed participation in your program.

Getting a visa can take several weeks or even months. As soon as you are accepted into your program and determine if a visa is needed, review the requirements and the timelines for getting a visa. Do not wait until the last minute to try and get a visa as you may end up not being able to attend your program.

students on computer high five


Before you can even consider getting your student visa, you have to make sure your passport is valid. That means, it won’t expire within six months of your program’s END date. If you are a first-time passport applicant, or need to renew, it is critically important that you *get started early*. Please do not delay in reviewing the important information about passports at the page linked below.

The Basics of Securing a Student Visa


What is a visa exactly?

A student visa is an official stamp or seal that is usually affixed to the inside of your passport before your departure. 

The visa is issued by an office called a consulate, which is an official office of a foreign country located in another country other than the home country. For example, Spain has consulates located in several U.S. locations. A visa can only be granted to you by the consulate if you supply the proper documentation.

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Who needs a student visa?

Your API program coordinator or the API Visa team will confirm if you are required to obtain a student visa. While it varies by country, generally, you will need to obtain a student visa if:

  • Your program is longer than 90 days.
  • You do not have citizenship in the country to which you are travelling.

If your program requires a visa and you do not obtain one, you risk being denied entry into the country or of being deported after you arrive. 


How long does it take to get a visa?

This varies by consulate, but it typically takes 8-12 weeks – or longer –  to get your visa, so it’s important to get started right away. The sooner you complete your API application, enrollment and onboarding forms, the quicker you can begin applying for your visa. When we receive your application, we will advise you if we feel that you do not have sufficient time to obtain the visa.

Note: You will not be able to travel internationally between the time that you submit your visa application and when your visa/passport is returned to you. Do not make international travel plans prior to the start of your program.

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How do I get a student visa?

There is no single application for a student visa as the requirements differ from country to country and even from consulate to consulate. Your API program coordinator and the API Visa team will let you know if your program requires a visa and will provide you with information outlining the steps to acquiring one.  

Students traveling to Spain may be able to use the API Group Processing Service.  For other countries, or if not using the Group Process, you will need to work with individual consulates to obtain your visa.  The consulates are offices of another country so be mindful that you may need significant time to get the visa completed. 

Additional information about the documents that the API Visa team will provide is in the “What do I need” section, and more information by country is below.


What do I need for my visa appointment?

  • Passport – Check your passport to ensure that the expiration date is not within 6 months of the end date of your program. If so, you will need to apply to secure a new one, and you may need to pay for the expedited service (depending on timing). Instructions for obtaining or renewing a passport are available from the US Department of State by clicking here.
  • API Acceptance Letter – Students will receive this letter by mail or email if required by the consulate. It will provide verification that you have been accepted into an API program and are eligible to apply for a student visa.
  • API Visa Letter –  All students will receive this letter from API by mail if it is required by the consulate. It is addressed to the the appropriate Consulate Official and provides verification of enrollment, proof of insurance coverage, and a guarantee of living expenses (including room & board) for your time abroad, as specified on the Consulate’s list of visa requirements.
  • CISI Insurance Letter –  All students will receive this letter from API by mail or email. This will serve as your proof of insurance coverage for your time abroad.
  • Letter of Acceptance from the Host University – This is proof that you are enrolled in the host university abroad.
  • Express Authorization of Caretaker – For participants under the age of 18 only. Our Resident Directors will sign this letter indicating their willingness to be a caretaker for a minor.
  • Additional Requirements by Country – If your host country has additional requirements, you can find them using the links below.
  • Time – API will advise you when we receive your application if we feel that you do not have sufficient time to obtain your visa; however, we are not able to provide refunds for students who are unable to obtain a visa prior to their program start date.
  • Note for Minors: There may be additional requirements for minors. Contact your consulate for details.

Take Advantage of

API Batch Visa Processing

For many students studying abroad with API in Spain, API offers visa processing services that will help make the visa attainment experience faster and easier. To take advantage of this great benefit, apply early, and see more details by clicking the Learn More tabs by country below!


To use our optional, but highly beneficial service, eligible students submit their passport and student visa application to API. API acts as a legal representative and submits the visa application to the Spanish Consulate on the student’s behalf. If you use this service, you do not need to go to the consulate in person. Only some Spanish Consulates allow API to act as a legal representative. If you are not eligible or do not wish to participate, you must apply for a student visa directly with the Spanish Consulate yourself.

Fall group visa gates have arrived! Click the toggle to see dates by city!

Learn More
  • Eligibility: API is typically able to secure group visa appointments for students that fall within the jurisdictions of the Boston, Chicago, Houston, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco consulates. To be eligible for this service, you must hold a driver’s license from or attend school in a state within one of these consulate’s jurisdiction, and you must send your passport and materials to API by the visa deadline. 
  • Passport: Do you have a passport? If you do have a passport, please ensure that it is valid for at least 6 months after the program end date. Please note that we will need to provide your passport to the consulate with your visa application. If you do not yet have a passport, you will need to apply for one immediately and have it expedited! Instructions for obtaining or renewing a passport are available from the US Department of State here:
  • Dates: Appointment dates are decided by the Spanish Consulates and we are unable to offer this service outside of these dates. We strongly recommend submitting your APIConnect application early in order to qualify for this service!

Fall Group Visa appointments are here!

  • Chicago-May 1st
  • Houston-May 2nd
  • Boston-May 2nd
  • New York- May 6th
  • Washington, D.C.- May 6th
  • Los Angeles- TBA
  • San Francisco- TBA

Additional Details: 

  • Cost: $199-API Visa Service fee plus $160 Spanish Consular fee (subject to change) for U.S passport holders. For non-U.S. passport holders, students must check their consulate’s website for the exact fee.
  • Service includes:
    • API will provide expert review of submitted visa materials along with individually customized feedback regarding any corrections needed for submission.
    • Optional one-on-one Spanish Visa Advising via zoom or phone call.
    • Assistance with completing and ensuring accuracy of visa application and supplemental information required for our batch processing appointment.  This will save you time and the expense of multiple trips to the Consulate.
    • API will appear on your behalf at the Consulate’s Office to submit your visa materials.  
    • After your student visa has been issued into your passport, API will retrieve it from the consulate and return it to you via FedEx.
  • Visa Processing Timeline: Though processing times vary by consulate, it typically takes 4-8 weeks to issue a visa once applications have been submitted. 
    • Rushed or expedited service is not available. Visa processing cannot be expedited-please plan accordingly! 
    • Visa requirements are set and governed by the Immigration policies of the Spanish government. API cannot influence or control the time it takes to process visas nor check the status of student’s applications. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate visa prior to departure.
  • How to Opt in: You can select this option in your APIConnect portal and our Visa Director will be in touch with more information.

Student and Intern Visa Resources by Country

Review your host country’s visa process on the appropriate page below, but if you’re still in need of assistance, you can request an appointment by sending email to:  [email protected]


Latin America

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