Voting Abroad – As Easy As 1,2,3

September 20, 2018

Voting abroad is a relatively easy process for Americans living abroad this election cycle. Whether you’re a student in Dubrovnik, Santiago, or the dozens of cities in between, you can still cast your ballot for candidates in your home state! Just give yourself enough time to get that ballot mailed to you, filled out, and mailed back to the states. Voting abroad may sound intimidating, but it is actually a very simple process that can be broken down into three steps.

Voting abroad in 3 easy steps

1. Find out if you’re registered

Students can visit this website to find out if they’re registered. If you need to register, you can also do so there.

2. Request an absentee ballot

If this sounds like a time-consuming process, think again! Simply visit this website to request a ballot for your home state. It will be sent to wherever you’re living abroad!

3. Fill it out & mail it in

Fill out your choices and mail it in to the address provided with the ballot. Then high five your friends because your civic duty is completed!


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