Students Articles

Orange isn’t just a color: How study abroad taught me to look at the world with all five senses.
Orange isn’t just a color: How study abroad taught me to look at the world with all five senses.

“Don’t eat the oranges on the trees – they are poisonous.” These are the first words that I distinctly remember coming out of my host mom’s mouth after I settled into my new home in Sevilla, Spain. It’s certainly helpful that I was warned–otherwise I might not be here to tell you that orange isn’t just a color. During my long walks to class, I had a lot of time to reflect and really live my life through my five senses, thanks to the famous oranges of Sevilla. 

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2021 API Photo & Video Contest Winners!
2021 API Photo & Video Contest Winners!

API would like to congratulate the winners of our first-ever photo and video contest! We received some incredible entries that highlighted the amazing experiences our students had while on our programs and we are so excited to share these images with the world!

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API Internships – A Perfect Fit!
API Internships – A Perfect Fit!

I highly recommend completing a virtual internship with API, the staff not only assists in fostering a relevant and valuable internship for you, but the program itself also allows you to stand out from the competition through completing a unique global experience while earning essential skills that employers value.  

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Open Programs
Open Programs

There is still time to apply to Spring 2022 API programs! Below please find application deadlines*...

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